Monday Apr 01, 2024
On this episode, Kaylie talks with Candace Rodman a Nutrition and Health Specialist for MU Extension about focusing on functional fitness instead of heavy lifting as a form of exercise for the average person. They also discuss social media influences and different challenges that are trending and how to decide if it's something you should try for yourself or avoid.
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References and other trustworthy articles to learn more:
Pacheco, M. M., Teixeira, L. A., Franchini, E., & Takito, M. Y. (2013). Functional vs. Strength training in adults: specific needs define the best intervention. International journal of sports physical therapy, 8(1), 34–43.
Article from Mayo Clinic - Functional fitness: Is it right for you?
Wagener, S., Hoppe, M. W., Hotfiel, T., Engelhardt, M., Javanmardi, S., Baumgart, C., & Freiwald, J. (2020). CrossFit® – Development, Benefits and Risks [CrossFit® – Entwicklung, Nutzen und Risiken]. Sportorthopa¨die-Sporttraumatologie, 36(3), 241–249.
Feito, Y., Burrows, E. K., & Tabb, L. P. (2018). A 4-Year Analysis of the Incidence of Injuries Among CrossFit-Trained Participants. Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine, 6(10), 2325967118803100.
Functional Fitness Exercises